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Writer's pictureCaptain Joe

Back in the swing of things

It's been a busy summer for me, and unfortunately, not doing cruises. Every now and then I get that perfect storm of family events, rescheduled celebrations, and dad duties. That was mid-June through July for me. Last weekend was my first weekend home since Father's Day! What a stretch, but I'm grateful for all that I did.

But if you're a local and was wondering why you hadn't seen the Ruby Belle on the river much, now you know!

I often share funny anecdotes while we're on our cruise, and this poor guy just added to my list. First, boat driver and boat are Ok. Second, this is a good reason to study charts and understand Aids to Navigation. Not pictured, and just to the left and down river of our grounded friend is a giant green square on a post. When going down river you want to pass by that so it passed your boat on your right (starboard) side. He chose to pass by on his left, and this is the result. As I mentioned, he and the boat are OK after striking the rocks at low speed.

So if you ever get a boat, take a general boat safety class, and learn about this and much much more!

Stay safe out there everyone!

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