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  • Writer's pictureCaptain Joe

Summer is here (really)!

June is a fickle month in Maine, to be sure. We can have some gorgeous days, or we can have cool rainy days. Like now. It seems like it's been raining since Memorial Day.

Of course, that's not true and I've managed to squeeze a cruise or two in on the weekends. When we are out, we've been fortunate to see the bald eagles and their immature kids hanging around, and the sunsets have not disappointed. We've even caught a couple of seals hanging out in the river.

The weather appears ready to break soon, with hot weather heading our way by the end of the week. Soon, we'll all be wondering when it will cool off and rain again, I'm sure.

Also, you may have noticed a shorter schedule this summer. My "real job" has really picked up over last year and that means less time on the water. I even contemplated shelving Captain Joe's Cruises for the summer. Then I came to my sense. The whole point for me was and is to do something different, get out on the water, meet people, and make sure I don't look up from my desk in September and wonder what happened to summer.

So onward!

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